Professional Quote of the Day: April 5th

Hello There Professional Quote Enthusiasts!
The time has come to stack up our files, briefly defragment our hard drives and listen to the pearls of professional wisdom only Professional Eric could share.

Today at work there was a discussion about our company and it’s professional standing. Which by the way, our company is practically an architectural Yeti… no one know about us, and we have fabulous hair. As anyone could imagine, Eric was all over this conversation… because he likes to get down with verbal professionalism.

There was talk about newer products we could use, ideas of being more efficient, social media,a guy dressed like a small historic building waving a sign in the streets… And then Eric said the following statement that changed the office as we know it, and propelled him into Jack Donaghy professional territory:

He informed our boss man that has an office revitalization plan under glass at his desk… So, basically he’s going to change our little office into the 6 million dollar man, or into a car microwave… Either would be good.

We have the technology! We can make it better than it was before! Better, stronger, faster.


Professional Quote of the Day: March 14th

Good Afternoon Professional quote enthusiasts! Today I ‘m going to take a break from doodling, and return to quoting the San Gabriel Valley’s most Treasured professional…

I have a feeling the moon is in it’s professional sector, because Professional Eric is on professional overdrive! Checking other people’s voicemail messages, saving the conference call, handling people who are selling us architectural services. Eric is on top of all of that…

And, extra bonus now that he’s into watching “Mad Men”… he’s also into professional fashion:

And a man who wears a Double Windsor, is all aces in Professional Eric’s Rolodex. Actually he doesn’t discriminate against ties, but the are mandatory if you want to get professional with him.

What a nice segway into this old photoshop I made:

Have a Professional Day!

♫Lauren (I think my cold is really affecting my brain…)

Professional Quote of the Day: February 17th

Welcome to the Professional Quote of the Day! This is where the internet gets real Professional!

Today Eric (the most treasured Professional in the San Gabriel Valley) got very reflective. And that has nothing to do with his pants that are made of solar panels (which are made up, but I think he’d wear them).

He’s was having one of those moments when he thinking about his place in the world, and his future as a professional. It got very deep, there were a few tears, some resolutions made… and oh yes, about 3 slices of chocolate cake.

But all that led him to this quote, Today’s Professional Quote of the Day:

And then when asked if there was an end to striving for professionalism he said this:

Fun Fact: The Pursuit of Professionalism just goes on and on like the Titanic theme!

Yeah I know that’s technically 2 quotes, but they will be on the test*!


*And they very well could be as he is a Professional Professor  too! He actually will take any job that has “pro” in the title.

Professional Quote of the Day: February 2nd

There are some days in the office where you are so busy drawing details of ceilings, and learning the difference between broadloom carpets and woven carpets that you think nothing really exciting can happen.

And then like a bolt of lightning from Zeus himself, a professional bursts from his cubicle to help out on an impromptu conference call and saves the day from a certain lack of clarity.

Today Professional Eric proved he was the most professional of them all, when he leaped from his chair mid-email to an engineer, to help said engineer on the phone. Thusly saving him from falling into a grand abyss of confusion.

And then I got to quote this:


February 2nd, is truly a day that will go down in professional history.


Professional Quote of the Day: January 18

Good Afternoon Professional Quote Enthusiasts!

It has been so very long since a quote from Professional Eric has graced the pages of Viciously Sweet. It was thought to be forgotten… until I heard that the world was suffering from a verbal professional drought! Then I recalled recent times in the office have been incredibly busy and also photoshop-less.

And then with all the magic of an 8-ball, Eric valiantly saved my computer from the viruses that plagued it, and enabled me to delve into the quote archives and resurrect the Professional Quote of the Day!

Without Eric, Professional Quote of the Day 2.0 would be impossible.

Without any further ado I present to you PQOTD2.0, volume 1:

Let us all commence data entry to honor him, professionally!


Professional Quote of the Day: December 15th

Good Afternoon Professional Quote of the Day Fans!

It’s time that time of the year to start…. getting more professional. And to get others into the professional spirit.

While gallantly trying to save my work computer from the virus filled world buzz feed created on it a few weeks ago. Eric had to call a few companies about the softest wares on my computer, and all their proper installations. When discussing my ability to make and use spread sheets he said today’s dandy professional quote.

And since I have no Photoshop to manipulate this event…  I then collected the quote in a tiny mason jar tied it to 14 balloons, and sent it into the mountain air, and this is what the mountain returned to me.

Photoshop, 2012 will be our year…


Professional Quote Of the Day: December 12th

It’s that magical time of the day where I need to quote my ever so professional co-worker. Sadly, the Professional Quote of the Day has not been in daily observance due to the importance of the Isabel Stare-A-thon 2011.

Frankly, I cannot take my eyes off of my periscope pointed San Diego way to get a steady flow of professional quotes a happening this holiday season.

But today is different. Today is a quote I have been saving for a special occasion, and this cold rainy afternoon is that very occasion. So without further ado I present to you a Professional Christmas Quote:

Don’t you love the joy of Eric’s professional words in glittery Christmas text?

Now, lets all get back to staring at Isabel!


Professional Quote of the Day: December 2nd

It has been far too long PQOTD’rs!

I bring to you a new chapter in the PQOTD…  Professional Quote of the Day: Holiday Edition. From now until the Merry End of the Year you can share professional tidings with the most treasured and yultidy Professional in the San Gabriel Valley…

Onto a Christmas Season full of gold, frankincense,and Professional Quotes!

Have yourself a merry little Quotmas!


Professional Quote of the Day: November 11th

Good Afternoon Professionalites!

It’s the most wonderful time of the day! No not 11:11 on 11-11-11. But it is time for the professional quote of the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you ever feel like the little things you add to projects is minuscule, non-important, or even easily forgettable?

Well Professional Eric doesn’t think so. He very much appreciates your details as shown in this Friday version of the PQOTD:

Boy do professionals love their details, and using the word “incorporated.”

