Happy Birthday Jimmy

So today is Jimmy’s birthday,

you may know Jimmy from this blog as my friend who likes Santa Barbara and that I think is very much the only person I met who can be a really specific Abraham Lincoln impersonator.

  1. because he’s tall
  2. because he’s got brown hair
  3. These are all the qualifications needed to be Abraham Lincoln according to my brain

Something else you may not know about Jimmy is that he like flamingos.

Like in the way I like chicken… except he doesn’t eat flamingos.

He even has a whole website where he draws them : Beyond Their Pond

But I realized one thing… Jimmy has never drawn himself as a flamingo… So I did it for him!

Happy Birthday!




Party Like A Jimmy

This is a birthday shout out to everyone’s favorite fan of Santa Barbara!

It’s Jimmy’s *ahem* *ahem* 30th *cough* *cough* birthday!*

And in the spirit of making fun lists

Here’s 10 fun facts about the birthday boy:

1. Jimmy is afraid of the internet… and is one of 4 people I know who doesn’t have a Facebook or a Linkedin… or even a myspace.

2. Jimmy used to collect postcards… I imagine he has enough to cover the walls of the Grand Canyon.

3. Jimmy is the owner of 3 weenie dogs… but doesn’t like Hot Dog on a Stick.

4. He is the only guy I know who knows the words to “Waterloo” by Abba

5.He is like an encyclopedia of California style Spanish Colonial style homes… which actually comes in handier than you think it would.

6.Jimmy used to be the tallest guy I knew… but now I work with someone who is 6′-9″

7. Jimmy doesn’t like seafood… but he will watch “the Little Mermaid” with you.

8. He’s one of the only people  (besides me) who likes the movie “Bachelorette” better than “Bridesmaids”. It’s a great movie, btw.

9. Jimmy has more sweaters than I do… I think he has 305** to be exact.

10. He also makes fun art… and you can see it here!

Happy Birthday Jimmy


*his birthday is actually on the 1st… but I was being wooed by pizza, chicken wings, and Lenny Kravitz.

**I exaggerated he only has 285

Turn It Up

So we all are a bit strange.

But we are not alone.

Today’s tale in strange is not about me it’s about my dear friend Jimmy.

And to celebrate the fact that he had a new job, I decided to share one of his secrets:

It’s a song that not even I listen to. And I listen to all the cheesy tunes.

For those of you who want to know more about this:

Personally when I’m cleaning I would prefer to listen to a hip song like “Let’s here it for the boy” by Deniece Williams.

Congratulations on your new job Jimmy and your cleaning song.


Jimmy says the Darndest things

I think Jimmy is going to be mad at me for posting this.

But I have known him for nearly 10 years and sometimes the things he tells me still makes me burst out with laughter. (But hey, I laugh a lot)

We all have really highly specific things that make us smile. For example: Phil Collin’s to me is like a musical angel who makes everything alright when I hear his voice, and Matt&Kim can save me from 99.2% of despair.

We are not all the same though. This weekend Jimmy shared this musical nugget of joy with me:

It’s the one he choo choo chooses!

And just in case you are wondering what the song that is #1 on the charts in the nation of solely Jimmy:

Somewhere at this very moment… he has this queued up to watch on YouTube.


P to the S that crisp white doodle paper that all the kids are talking about can be seen, purchased and hugged right here… emnote notebooks!

One of those Days…

I have spent too much time away from my blog.

And I have suffered consequences.

I am stressed, my hair is turning white. I am drinking 2 sodas a week. And umm.. I can’t think of a third thing…. but I’m sure that it’s happening… and that it is on the equivalent of 2 sodas bad.

I guess I have been too busy. But that doesn’t really excuse me, because a lot of my joy is sharing silliness with people. In a strange was it is what calms me. And right now I totally need this before I start work-related-crying. (I have been redoing the same project every other hour for the last 15 work hours… and none of the printers are working and… my head is about to explode.)

So I took a moment during my lunch break to color a few things and this is one of them.

Because I am such an odd bird, I don’t really think this drawing needs much context… because well this kind of stuff happens to me… a lot:

It’s been one of those days. Just hand me my spotted wings.



Passing Notes

Today I’m going to tell you a story about when I was in school…

When I was in school I was a good student… which really surprised people because I seemed really unfocused in  nearly every lecture class I had.

I just really was good at comprehending the subject matters I studied and once I did… I didn’t have all day to hear the lecturer talk about alabaster in its various applications, I just daydreamed until the hour-forty five had passed. And of course I had read the textbook the day before, so I had all my day to not think about trying to memorize anything but stuff I wanted to.

Now all my daydreaming probably would have been just fine, had I not forced my weird imagination on my friends, especially Jimmy. He wanted to pay attention so badly and all I ever did was distract him. I would spend my time sending him drawings of Jamba Juice cups, Lambs that were striped, and well taco’s and how much I wished I was eating or building a place to hold tacos and not be in that class.

So dedication time… this Doodle goes all the way out to Jimmy who is like many miles away from me right now, but could probably use a laugh:

My favorite part is when he finally gave up on learning and just doodled back instead!

Quite candidly internet, I would list distracting people as one of my finer qualities. If you spend time with me the next thing you know is that it could be hours… or even years. And there is going to be sketchbooks of doodles to go along with it.

Now I must return to some doodles that I am working on like super seriously!


Get thee to The Tannery

A few weeks ago Jimmy and I went to Explore the most savory of all the California missions… Santa Barbara. Now we like to go around look at the stunning artifacts and watch YouTube videos in the cemetery… like everyone else.

That may sounds like a weird/ fabulous way to pass an afternoon to most people… and it really got me thinking Jimmy is crazy about Santa Barbara, and maybe he should leave the world of Construction and mosey on up to a new career in Santa Barbara.

But I have different goals for Jimmy than he does:

He could do so much for the area as a monk… he could start the tannery back up and create a new craze of monk made leather, or form a musical group of monk’s and become the monk-ees… He could run around with chips and call himself a chip-monk… I have a million ideas… But anyways this gets you to Santa Barbara…

And… I’ve always wanted a friar friend. Especially if he friar-ed me some chicken.

*P.S. the “tannery” really smells

Jimmy and the Fashion Statement

I would like to think I’m a very fashionable girl. You know, if you are into girls who as my coworkers call me “Dress Like America.” And by that they mean, I wear a lot of nautical clothing.

My Current Fashion Icon: Mary Ann Summers from Gilligan’s Island. Yep, I’m only 45 years behind in fashion/ updates in clothing. But who else out there has 7 straw purses for various straw purse occasions?

But lately someone is crashing my fashion forefront and that is my dear friend Jimmy. He’s becoming the trendiest trendster out there, and no he’s not buying stove pipe hats, and he’s not becoming a Lincoln impersonator.

He’s forsaken izod’s and polo’s and started to dress more like a happening dude of the 1930s… because that is how Jimmy’s are. I think all this is fine and dandy until he sent me a picture of an overly striped jacket with extra stripes on it…

And then he told me it was $800. And when my brain regained consciousness it could only make this doodle:

So much money for a sweater that doesn't work in the cold!


I told him there are better things to do with $800. Like take a trip to Chicago, go to Santa Barbara for a few days… Buy 3,200 chicken nuggets… Join a gym for 5 years… Buy uncountable erasers… get 1,600 prizes from a $.50 machine… give me $800 dollars…. Because if you don’t have Kardashian loads of money… friends don’t let friends buy $800 sweaters.

So Jimmy… no, to that sweater.


President’s Day w/ Jimmy

My mind is a never-ending cavalcade of silliness.

So, today in honor of President’s day I give you this doodle of what happens to Jimmy every time this day shows up on the calendar:

The best real part of Presidents day is that I was talking on the phone this weekend when this happened beautiful conversation happened:

Jimmy: [on phone]: I do not look like Abraham Lincoln and now the internet thinks I do.

Me: Well, you are tall and do have brown hair. [to Jimmy on phone]

[Dad walks in room]

Dad: You are talking to Jimmy?

Me: Yeah.

Dad: It’s a big day coming up for him!

Me: What?

Dad: Isn’t it president’s day Monday?

Me: Hahaha. My dad just made a Lincoln joke about you…

Jimmy: Dear God.


Have a happy President’s day every one!
