A Message to Adam Levine

Hi there internet!

I went a bit on a bloggy vacation. I saw outside. It was glorious. I saw some mountains, I saw some oceans, I’m ready to draw!

I was talking to Nancy about cleaning out my closet. You know, giving nautical clothes away so other people can pull up anchor and enjoy some fine threads.

Any who the interesting part of this story was about a particular sweater that I have. It’s a sweater I use when I am in need of super comfy times. Like wickedly comfortable. It’s brown, knitted and familiar. But my mother noticed how truly familiar it is when she said… Adam Levine on “the Voice” has that sweater.

I said no way, and then I tuned in and much like the great 90s hit from Tag Team… “Whoomp,” there was my sweater. And not in just like 1 episode, he wears it for like 6 episodes straight!

Courtesy of the Voice & http://www.www-rickey-org.torbit.com/


I looked at my sweater, and came to this conclusion:

P.S. I hope he didn’t pay bonkers money for that sweater because I bought it for $20 at a street fair.


11 thoughts on “A Message to Adam Levine

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